There is no doubt that over the last 18 months the online marketing arena has changed. That being said, some standby tools have remained while evolving into more social tools, like the press release.
The press release is now considered a main building block of the new content PR world. Social media is great if you have something to share and talk about. But where does that information start? Everything ties into the press release, be it social interaction and sharing of the press release itself (Twitter, Google+, Facebook, etc.), or video or images within the press release.
This, by far, is not the magic bullet that we discussed in an earlier post, however it is an integral building block of the big picture that ties in with all the other content PR components that include:
- Research reports
- Surveys
- Podcasts
- White papers
- Bylined articles
- Blog posts
Take a look at the infographic below from Calysto, which explains how everything ties together.